We are officially in full swing of January 2022. We have made our New Year’s resolutions, possibly worked on them and maybe thrown them away by now. I think it is important for us to remember to be kind to ourselves and make our goals SMART. Is it Specific, is it Measurable, is it Attainable, is it Realistic, and is it able to be achieved with the Time you have listed. If we set ourselves up for failure, that is what we will achieve. Self-sabotaging is something we can work on throughout this year so we can achieve our goals. This year for me is the Year of Awareness. The year I will focus on being more aware of my thoughts, behaviors, how I interact with someone, etc. I try to do this on a daily basis anyway, but I found that maybe this is something to make as my goal this year. I would like to be more present and aware in my daily life. I hope you continue to work towards your goals in a SMART way. (pun intended)
“How do you eat an elephant? Answer- one bite at a time.”